
When is Probate Required in California and How Angelique Friend Probate can Help You


Probate is a legal process used to administer the estate of a deceased person. The process ensures that the deceased person's debts are paid and their assets are distributed to the intended heirs or beneficiaries. In California, probate is required in certain circumstances. Let's take a closer look at when probate is required in California and how Angelique Friend Probate can help you. When is Probate Required in California? Probate is generally required in California when the deceased person owned assets in their name alone, with no designated beneficiary or joint owner. Some examples of assets that may be subject to [...]

When is Probate Required in California and How Angelique Friend Probate can Help You2023-04-25T18:18:07+00:00

Effective Strategies for Dealing with Complaints: Lessons from Angelique’s Approach probate


Dealing with complaints can be a challenging aspect of any job, especially in the probate industry where emotions can run high. However, Angelique, a professional in the field, has shown us that effective strategies can make all the difference in resolving complaints and maintaining strong client relationships. Here are some lessons we can learn from her approach: Listen attentively and empathize Angelique understands that listening carefully to the client's complaint is crucial to resolving it. She takes the time to understand their concerns and shows empathy, acknowledging the client's feelings and the impact the situation has had on them. Stay calm [...]

Effective Strategies for Dealing with Complaints: Lessons from Angelique’s Approach probate2023-04-07T17:10:37+00:00

what is Conservatorship? How Can Angelique Friend Help You?


If you have been keeping tabs on the trendy news, you must have come across the news about Britney Spears. The news about her conservatorship was big news in 2022. Conservatorship is a legal process and our celebrated attorney Angelique Friend has helped many of our clients through the same. If you want to learn about the term and how it works, here is some help for you. So, what is conservatorship and how does it work? We will learn in the sections below: What is Conservatorship?  In legal terms, a conservatorship is the legal status of guardianship assigned to someone [...]

what is Conservatorship? How Can Angelique Friend Help You?2022-12-21T18:56:36+00:00
probate fiduciary Camarillo

Probate Services, Inc.
232 Village Commons Blvd. #11
Camarillo, CA 93012
Email: admin@afprobate.com
Phone: (805) 604-1998

Trustee for Living Trusts, Special Needs Trusts, Charitable Remainder Trusts Trust Protector Estate Administrator Guardianships for Person and Estates Custodian for Minor’s Assets Conservator of the Person and Estate. General, Limited and LPS Court Accountings Social Security – Representative Payee VA – Representative Payee Care Management

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